Sunday 10 April 2011

Are Money Problems Ruining Your Marriage?

Money matters are one of the most common causes of arguments amongst couples and a major factor in many break ups.

Financial pressures rank highly among the reasons quoted by couples as causing their divorce.

Combining Your Finances

Getting married and running a joint home together necessitates working with a common budget and making decisions about household purchases. It also requires agreement on short, medium and long term goals and setting up the financial arrangements to reach these.

As if all this wasn’t difficult enough, other factors often come along that put added strain on these decisions. Once kids arrive on the scene many couples who previously managed their finances well, buckle under the cost of buying equipment, clothes, day care, toys and other necessities.

Sometimes the aspirations they once had and the lifestyle they wished to retain or attain, is simply no longer achievable.

Hard Times

The current economic climate is also playing a part. Many couples feel insecure in their jobs and some are having to tighten their belts due to the loss of an income.

Some families fall into debt due to lack of funds and this problem is magnified if one or both of the couple have any kind of problem or addiction, such as gambling, drinking and so on.

The Way Forward

Working out a way to financial recovery will play a major part in resolving the strain on your marriage. Couples should not ‘put their heads in the sand’ but make every effort to discuss financial difficulties as soon as they arise.

Once financial strains and debts have been tackled the couple can then set about agreeing future priorities and plans. These all need to be backed by ongoing financial arrangements to make them a reality.

Money matters! So make sure you invest in your marriage by keeping on top of your finances. Couples that have a healthy attitude to their finances have one less strain upon their relationship.

If you want to find out ways to save your marriage it’s never too late to get help.

Thursday 3 February 2011

How to Survive a Break Up

How can a short, hand written letter or a phone call agreeing to a break up with your spouse actually be a positive tactic to save your marriage?

Sometimes you have to signal the end of one phase before you can even contemplate beginning the next. Marriages are the same - agreeing to your spouses demands for a break up may actually stir up feelings of regret and enable her to consider a change of heart.

Find out more in this must-see video.

Saturday 1 January 2011

Work at Your Marriage

Most marriages are easy at the beginning. But as time, work, kids and other daily pressures take their toll, some marriages begin to fail.

Without attention and action, failing marriages can sadly end in divorce. This blog is designed to help those whose marriages need work to get them back on track.

We are here to offer advice, tips and support to those in a failing marriage. Our advice is suitable for men or women and can also be applied if only one of you is actively trying to put things right.

If you want to work at your marriage take time to read our blog; it's the first step to save your marriage.